Tuesday 4 June 2013

Doing our bit for the environment - Lawrence High School

June 5th is observed as the World Environment day and we, as responsible citizens of the nation, should take steps to ensure that our environment is preserved, saved and conserved for the future generation.

The theme for this year was Think. Eat. Save.

Many of us do not really think before buying food and consuming. It is amazing how much we can contribute to the environment by just making a few changes in our lifestyle.

Buying just enough food to suffice instead of buying all that looks attractive on the shelves is a sure way to ensure that a lot of food wastage is arrested. Leftovers need not always go into the bins as they are plenty of ways to re-use good edible stuff. If there is a lot of food remaining after a party or wedding, a call to the nearest home or orphanage can feed a lot of hungry mouths and the environment will benefit too.

Waste segregation drive has been one of the high points in the past few months and one of the primary rules is to carry our own carry bags when shopping to reduce the use of plastics. Composting at home is another healthy way in the path of conserving and utilizing resources.

Take a few minutes out of your schedule to check out how the WED is celebrated and implemented on the UNEP page here:  http://www.unep.org/wed/

The ABCs of how we can contribute is explained beautifully here:

Lawrence High School, located at HSR layout, Bangalore, focuses on educating children with traditional values to adapt and excel in the world. To know more about Lawrence school, please visit the website http://lawrenceschool.in/ and join us at our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lawrence-School/  

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